Impact Innovation in Almedalen

Impact Innovation is Sweden’s innovation investment for the 2030s. A collection of forces that will accelerate sustainable transformation and solve complex societal challenges. But how is Impact Innovation an effective tool? Why is this particular investment needed, and what concrete difference will it make?

During Almedalen Week the Swedish Energy Agency, Formas and Vinnova are organizing a seminar on Impact Innovation – Sweden’s innovation investment for the 2030s. The seminar can also be followed digitally.


  • Svante Axelsson, national coordinator, Fossilfritt Sverige
  • Marie Claesson, task manager research and innovation, Energy Agency
  • Emma Gretzer, head of community building, Formas
  • Jenny Elfsberg, head of innovation management, Vinnova
  • Karolina Winbo, process manager, Impact Innovation
  • Lars Friberg, moderator, Vinnova

Follow the seminar live