Inauguration of Impact Innovation

On March 7, the Energy Agency, Formas and Vinnova invite you to the inauguration of Impact Innovation – Sweden’s major innovation initiative for the 2030s. At the opening, you will hear about expectations for Impact Innovation, visions and ambitions from three general directors as well as inspiration and hopes from both national and international actors in the innovation system.

  • Opening time: 13.00-14.00, registration and lunch from 11.30
  • Location: Fotografiska, Stadsgårdshamnen 22, Stockholm or via webcast
  • Questions: Karolina Winbo, Vinnova, project manager for Impact innovation, see below

On the same day as the inauguration, March 7, an offer for funding to form programme within Impact innovation opens. A offer that is aimed at actors who see opportunities to form consortia and networks to face a designated social challenge together. The offer closes on October 19, 2023, and in 2024 the programs are expected to start in full force.

Programme 13.00 – 14.00

  • Mats Persson, Minister of Education
  • Robert Andrén, Energy Agency
  • Johan Kuylenstierna, Formas
  • Darja Isaksson, Vinnova
  • Tuula Teeri, Kungliga Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien
  • Lisen Schultz, Stockholm Resilience Centre
  • Magnus Frodigh, Ericsson
  • Evelina Loberg, Gävle municipality
  • Ebba Hallersjö Hult, Nollvsion cancer
  • Moderator: Beata Wickbom

Mobilize to form programme

In connection with the inauguration of Impact Innovation, a mobilization process is starting which is aimed at all actors who plan to apply for the offer to develop programme within Impact innovation. The purpose of the mobilization process is to set the framework for what is expected of the prospective programs and to provide opportunities to develop program ideas and actor networks.

Starting with three conferences

A starting point for the mobilization is three conferences at three different times and places, but with the same content. Choose the location that suits you best.

The first conference is held in connection with the opening in Stockholm. It is fine to follow the inauguration digitally and then attend the conferences at one of the later dates.

What is Impact Innovation?

Impact innovation is Sweden’s innovation investment for the 2030s and brings together actors who together increase the pace of the transition to a sustainable society. Through new collaborations and new ways of working, innovations occur that create long-term solutions to global societal challenges and strengthen Sweden’s global competitiveness.

Impact Innovation is an initiative of the Energy Agency, Formas and Vinnova.