Mobilize for programme within Impact Innovation in Umeå

On March 14, a mobilization conference will be organized in Umeå for actors who are interested in being part of the work to design proposal about programme and program offices for Impact Innovation. Mobilization conferences are organized in different places and times, but the content is the same.

Dates for mobilization conferences

I Stockholm on March 7 (in connection with the inauguration), in Umeå on March 14 and Malmö on March 20. At the conference, the program announcement is presented and the participants have the opportunity to meet other actors with an interest in Impact innovation.

Link to registration mobilization conference Stockholm

Link to registration mobilization conference Malmö

Mobilization process in spring 2023

In order to achieve competitive programme and the required actor networks, the Swedish Energy Agency, Formas and Vinnova offer a mobilization process for those who plan to apply in the program announcement that will be launched on March 7.

The mobilization process must primarily provide guidance. The big job of engaging actors and developing program ideas is done by the actors themselves.

Mobilization process should contribute to:

  • Networking
  • Learning and dialogues
  • Establishment of new working methods linked to, among other things, mission and system innovation