People-People-Powered Transformation

Welcome to People-Powered Transformation: A Design- & Architecture Symposium on Societal Transformation 28 september in Luleå, Sweden

In an age where sustainability and innovation go hand in hand, we are proud to present the design and architecture Symposium People-Powered Transformation. This conference is part of the Impact innovation feasibility study of the same name, which aims to create a platform and network for visionaries, designers, architects and thinkers to come together to discuss and shape the future of green societal transformation.

During the conference, we meet a number of inspirers from all over the Nordics who show examples of how we can create societies that are both sustainable and inclusive. We believe in the power of human-driven transformation, where every individual can contribute to a greener and more inclusive future.

The conference is intended for anyone interested in exploring the borderland between design, architecture and sustainable social development. Whether you are an experienced architect, student, politician or just someone interested in making a difference, you are welcome to participate and contribute your perspective.

Sign up: People-powered Transformation – A Design- & Architecture Symposium on Societal Transformation (


Contact: Helena Karlberg, People-Powered Transformation